Of all the reusable bags I have or have purchased nothing compares to these amazing bags. Perfect to put a small shop in or your keys, purse, phone, sunnies. They are one of the best purchases from Luxey. 💜
This is a great way for me to store the stopper so I don't lost it as well as easily carry my Luxey cup by hanging it on my arm if my hands are full, which they usually are with 2 active boys! I can also throw my sunnies, car keys and phone or other belongings in there as it has a couple of pockets and it's a great size which means I don't have to carry a handbag! Love it and the colour matches my Luxey cup.
Luxey is such a winner anyway, but having my dribble bag makes me feel so much more comfortable having my Luxey cup in my bag at the ready, spill stopper, straw, and cold lid at the ready, and those dribbles don’t end up in my handbag!
Added bonus, drinking super hot black tea, it protects my fingers until I’m ready to drink 😍
I love this bag! especially the clip for my stopper. I always have a clean Luxey cup in a dribble bag ready to go. Never be caught ordering a takeaway coffee without your Luxey again.