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New Year's Resolution Ideas!

New Year's Resolution Ideas!

2022 is here and many of us are reflecting on the year that just went, and what a year it was! Another wild one for the entire world right? While the world is the way it is, we can't change that.

But we can change our perspective and how we show up. 

New Year's Resolutions are a great way to look at where we have come from and where we want to go, what can we do better or differently, how can we be better humans, kinder humans, how can we improve our life? 

Here are some ideas on how you can improve your life for the better!

Random Acts of Kindness

It feels good to give, to support others and to show kindness. You'll be surprised at how acts of kindness can fill your own cup up, not only for you but for the person receiving. Shouting the person behind you a surprise coffee or treating the person behind you to a chocolate at the service station are some easy playful ideas, or you can reflect on how you can show kindness in your life.

Read More Books

There's so many incredible books out there that can uplevel your mind, your health, your wealth and change your life for the better!

Some of our favourite ones are:

  • All the Medical Medium Books by Anthony Williams - Health
  • All Joe Dispensa's Books - Mind
  • How to be a Bad Ass at Making Money by Jen Sincero - Wealth

Take an Random Surprise Trip

Live your life a little on the edge, you're here on earth to live! Book a holiday to a new destination to somewhere that you have never been. Book a random flight or Airbnb accommodation and wing it! 'Winging it' trips always end up being the best, having a dash of spontaneity will give you a fresh zest for life!  

Make Space in your Life

Some magical things can happen when you have more space to attract fresh opportunities in your life. How can you attract abundance and opportunities when there is no space to welcome it. Make space for seeds to be planted so they have space to bloom. Clean out your wardrobe, clean out your draws, garage, car, wherever you feel you have clutter. You can't attract abundance and opportunities when there is no space to welcome it. 

Use Less Plastic

Plastic is not only toxic to the environment, but also to our health. Research shows that when plastic is hot it leaches chemicals which are hormone disruptors! Try avoiding drinking coffee from plastic coffee lids and hot food in plastic takeaway containers. 

Drink More Water

If you are feeling slightly sluggish, have brain fog, headaches or a little constipated this could potentially be related to mild dehydration. Research shows that fluid loss of 1-3% can effect your level of energy or mood and can reduce your focus due to brain performance. If you are a female your goal should be on average 2.5L per day. Set a goal to drink more water and see if you feel an improvement with your energy, mood and focus. 

Be Grateful for How Far You've Come!

We're always moving forward in life, even if we feel like we are taking steps back which happens more often than not. But remember, what might feel like a step back is a new opportunity to grow, a new lesson learned. Instead of focusing on the bad things, or the 'steps back', reflect on the good things, reflect on your personal growth and your journey. As Tony robbins says, 'Life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you'.

Eat Less Meat

Research shows that eating more plant based can decrease risks of high blood pressure, some cancers, heart disease, type 2 diabetes with many other health benefits. The meat industry is effecting the environment as they cut down forests which are carbon filters, and replace them with animals that produce green house gases. Try eating less meat, you can start by choosing one day of the week such as 'Meatless Monday'. 

Say Uplifting Things to your Mind

It can be so easy to sink into a big black hole of negative thoughts when things aren't feeling like they are flowing for you. Close your eyes, take a big deep breathe and say some positive affirmations. 'I am worthy', 'opportunities come easily to me', I am positive' or anything that feels like it aligns with whatever you are thinking. Type up some positive affirmations on the computer, print them out and stick them all over the house in places that you would normally see them. Stick one on the mirror that says 'I love my body and it's ability to heal and breathe for me'. Stick one near your computer that says 'I attract abundance and opportunities' and so on. You'll be surprised at how saying positive things can uplift your mind! Give yourself compliments!

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